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About Bertie Brits

Since the day I was saved in 1989 I have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible. I received a boundless love for the Word of God and couldn't stop reading the Bible. By Grace I believed what was written in the Word of God. I would simply take what I read in the Word and go and do it. A passion for healing was born in me when I read Matt 10, where Jesus told His disciples to heal and deliver people from bondage. "If Jesus said it, I can do it, for I'm His disciple too," flowed from my mouth all the time.

When I read Mark 16 (about 2 weeks after I got saved), I received the infilling of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues. It all came easily; it was just Grace and love from God. I was bold from the start and preached to the lost, to school friends, teachers and to anyone who would listen, as well as to those who didn't want to hear!

   Contact Bertie Brits for more information!

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