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September 03, 2024   |  Devotionals

God's Love - The Source of Healing and Life

In Psalm 103, we see how iniquities, diseases, and destruction are interconnected with death itself. The psalmist speaks of forgiveness, healing, and redemption, all of which address the fundamental issue of human mortality. God's love, however, goes beyond merely healing symptoms - it offers the ultimate solution by conquering death.

Iniquities and diseases are not separate issues; they are different expressions of the same underlying problem: the destruction that leads to death. God's love, shown through His forgiveness and healing, is directed toward resolving this by offering eternal life. By conquering death, He sets us free from everything connected to it. This is not just a future hope but a present reality, as eternal life begins to reverse the effects of death in our lives today.

As God's love triumphs over death, it produces life in us, allowing us to experience the fruit of the Spirit. This love, manifest in the gift of eternal life, brings a kind of healing that touches every area of our lives. The backward effect of this victory over death means that as we live in the assurance of eternal life, we begin to see our lives bear the fruit of God's Spirit-love, peace, joy, and more.

   The Source of Healing and Life

   View our Healed By Hope video by Bertie Brits

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