Jesus rejected political power for a different kingdom—one that grows from the Tree of Life. While the world's systems depend on control and force, Christ's kingdom thrives in apparent weakness. Your small gathering isn't insignificant; it's a display of heaven on earth—not as world-changers, but as the world already changed.
The choice between Jesus and Barabbas wasn’t just ancient history—it’s our daily dilemma. Discover two radically different paths to freedom: revolutionary action or resurrection trust. Jesus or Barabbas: The Choice that Still Defines Us explores how your decision between control and surrender shapes faith, politics, and personal life today.
Inside a dark prison cell, two visions of liberation collide—violent rebellion or sacrificial love. The Cell: A Revolutionary Dialogue imagines the profound conversation between Jesus and Barabbas on the eve of crucifixion. This gripping story reveals how their confrontation still defines our choices between power and peace, vengeance and forgiveness.
Rethink salvation through a revolutionary choice: Jesus or Barabbas. Both promised freedom—but whose way truly secures our physical existence? The Revolution That Saves the Body challenges traditional spiritual views, revealing how embracing bodily resurrection transforms our faith, politics, and everyday life. Discover a Gospel that redeems the whole person.
When Jesus washed Peter’s feet, he wasn’t just teaching humility—he was overturning Peter's political imagination. Washing Feet, Changing Kingdoms explores how this act confronts our own temptation to seek power over others. Discover how true influence in God's Kingdom comes not from controlling power, but by laying it down in service.
Zacchaeus, labeled a sinner by society, was actually a man deeply committed to God’s kingdom. Zacchaeus Vindicated challenges traditional assumptions, revealing a man of faith whose generosity anticipated Christ’s reign. Discover how Zacchaeus’s story inspires us to live free from fear, embracing a future of hope, restoration, and ultimate vindication.
South Africa’s land expropriation debate stirs fear, hope, and uncertainty. While history warns of economic collapse, Hebrews 10:34 reminds Christians of an unshakable possession—eternal life through Christ. Whether losing land or gaining it, believers are called to trust in resurrection, knowing no policy can take away their true inheritance.
Ancient Gnostic ideas about identity are reappearing in modern culture, where inner self-discovery often takes priority over physical reality. Through the lens of the resurrection, this article argues that salvation values the whole human—body and soul—challenging Gnostic dualism with a perspective that honors our complete humanity.
When democracy fails, hope in Christ remains steadfast. Political systems may falter, but as believers, our ultimate citizenship is in heaven. Christ's reign is eternal, unshakeable, and just. Even amidst political chaos, Christians can find peace, knowing that God's kingdom endures forever and will ultimately bring righteousness and justice.