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Messages: Sunday Service Archive - Sunday Service Archive 2010

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August 08, 2010   |  Sunday Service Archive

Bellville - The Heart of Man

The life of God flows from your belief system. In this message Bertie explains how the heart of man works. Understanding the dynamics of the heart, how to reprogram your hear is of utmost importance in your christian walk. This message should not be missed.

July 25, 2010   |  Sunday Service Archive

Bellville - Combined Service - Nico Uys and Wessel Pretorius

Nico spoke on how being freed from the death that legalism brought impacted his life. He explains how the power of Grace changes us for the better. Wessel spoke about the extend of the impact of the Gospel in our lives, causing us to have Christ live His live in us.

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July 18, 2010   |  Sunday Service Archive

Bellville - Interpreting the Ten Commandments in the Work of the Cross

It is wonderful to see the Scripture unfold revealing the truth that God has put in it. Bertie explains how the Ten Commandments speaks of Jesus and His Work on the Cross, and how seeing this truth will bring you freedom from condemnation.

June 27, 2010   |  Sunday Service Archive

Bellville - Marriage and Divorce in the Grace Perspective - Part 2

There is a lot of condemnation in the hearts of people when they misunderstand the truth. Marriage and divorce is one of those subjects that have brought so much rejection and condemnation in people lives because they misunderstand what marriage is all about.

June 20, 2010   |  Sunday Service Archive

Bellville - Marriage and Divorce in the Grace Perspective - Part 1

There is a lot of condemnation in the hearts of people when they misunderstand the truth. Marriage and divorce is one of those subjects that have brought so much rejection and condemnation in people lives because they misunderstand what marriage is all about.

June 20, 2010   |  Sunday Service Archive

Bellville - Repentance in it's true form part 1

Everything finds its definition in the Cross of Jesus. In this message Bertie explains repentance from the foundation of Jesus and His work on behalf of man.

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