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March 16, 2025   |  Sunday Service Archive |  Sunday Service Archive 2025

God laughs at the efforts to overthrow His kingdom

In the biblical narrative, we encounter two significant figures: Jesus, the Son of God, and Barabbas, a revolutionary. While Jesus embodied divine life and a heavenly kingdom, Barabbas represented worldly rebellion and political conquest.

This contrast mirrors the two trees in Eden and the two Adams in scripture. The first Adam ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, bringing sin and death through disobedience. The last Adam, Jesus, offers redemption and eternal life.

The Tree of Knowledge symbolizes humanity's attempt to define morality apart from God-similar to seeking political power to transform society. When churches become entangled in politics, they effectively feed from this wrong tree. Jesus consistently refused this path, even rejecting Satan's offer of worldly kingdoms in the wilderness.

Jesus never pursued political revolution or aligned with political factions of His day. He declared, "My kingdom is not of this world." When crowds tried to make Him king by force, He withdrew. His revolution was spiritual, not political.

Today, many believers face the temptation to pursue change through political means rather than spiritual transformation. When churches place their hope in political solutions, candidates, or movements, they essentially choose Barabbas' way over Jesus' way-eating from the wrong tree.
True Christian influence flows not from political power but from embodying Christ's love, service, and sacrifice. By rejecting the allure of political solutions and embracing Jesus' counter-cultural kingdom, believers align themselves with the Tree of Life rather than the Tree of Knowledge that leads to division and spiritual death.

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