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June 29, 2017   |  TV BROADCASTING  |  Kruiskyk Uitsendings

Redding en Genade - Deel 2

Kruiskyk Uitsending

June 28, 2017   |  TV BROADCASTING  |  TBN

What is Salvation? - Part 1

Living By Grace with Bertie Brits
June 28, 2017
Episode 18

June 25, 2017   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2017

The God that LOVES us unto Salvation

In this message Bertie Brits explains how God loves us unto the manifestation of His very life.

June 21, 2017   |  TV BROADCASTING  |  TBN

Faith - Part 4

Living By Grace with Bertie Brits
June 21, 2017
Episode 17

June 18, 2017   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2017

What does it mean to call God FATHER

In this message Bertie Brits explains what it really means to call God Father and have Him be the Father of your life.

June 15, 2017   |  TV BROADCASTING  |  Kruiskyk Uitsendings

God gee Geloof - Deel 1

Dynamic Love MInistries met Bertie Brits
20 Mei 2017

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