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May 15, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What happens when we die

Discipleship 7 audio conversation - Bertie,you stated all deceased believers and non believers are in a place called Hades and will be reunited with their bodies when Christ returns.What about the scripture that states,To be absent from the body is to be present with Christ? White throne judge?

May 15, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What must I do to feel loved by God

I have been following teaching for some time now. And I have been working towards allowing God to Love me. But I have been struggling with it and want to know how do I actually allow God to love me.

May 15, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What must we do as Christians in our nation today

What must we do as Christians in our nation today

May 15, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Why does Paul mention so many WORKS in his letters

I have a question regarding a traditional Church teaching on morality or the law and conditions for blessings. When reading Pauls letters half of a letter is about theology of grace but the other half is about morality - what we have to do. Is it a matter of where the church puts emphasis on or something else?

May 14, 2017   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2017

What is the Gospel of the Kingdom?

In this message Bertie Brits explains what the kingdom of God is and how the kingdom of God works.

May 11, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Animals in immortality

Animals in immortality

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