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March 20, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

How to deal with loosing your house

How to deal with loosing your house

March 20, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

How to deal with multi personality child

Question - I have never heard you speak about demonic possession. I suspect that is because it is so overdone by many churches, but I have a coworker whose stepson hears voices. He says there are 8 of them and some of them do not get along. The family says they suffer constantly with his odd and disruptive behavior. He is 14 years old. I see Gods love for him and would like to help them with this, could you offer any advice?

March 20, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Is a bad dream a sign that you opened a door for the Devil

Is a bad dream a sign that you opened a door for the Devil

March 20, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What about the passage where God states that He creates EVIL

Question - In the light of God is good, how do we understand Isaiah 45:6-7 where it says that He brings on calamity/evil?

March 20, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What is a Human Being

Question - What was that breath. Was it God Himself + man or was it man or some combination of the two. I am just trying to grasp His original intent, I have been experiencing Him think his thoughts in my mind and sharing them with me, and so it intrigues me to understand a bit better what I am ? Am I a unification of the Being God and the Being man or what am I ?

March 20, 2017   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Why are the teaching of Jesus and Paul not the same

Question - Oftentimes I do get caught up with the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Paul. I have been learning on healing ministry as well for about 2 yrs now through video and reading books. It is difficult for me to apply Mk. 16:16 to my life because I am trying to connect all of Christ teaching to Old covenant. I simply wanted to know do you recommend any teachings concerning what I spoken of above? I mean it is very difficult for me to put away all of Christ teachings such as love you neighbor as yourself so I just wanted to know how are Christians suppose to interpret and apply Christ teachings to their lives today in the time of grace?

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