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November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Are we healed or shall we be healed

Can I ask you a question about healing? I know it says by His stripes ye were healed, I am claiming that even though i feel pain, but a pastor told me if I am sick or in pain that does not mean I am healed. Is he right and he mentioned about how in James, it says pray for one another that ye may be healed. So am I healed even if i feel pain and hurt? I believe in the Spirit realm i am , but waiting for manifestation in the natural, am I right? I would like your thoughts when able to share them.

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions


If possible can you tell me if celebrating Christmas is right or wrong?

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Fear of Death

Fear of Death

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Hearing God's Voice

Pastor Bertie, Praise God. Just heard your live audio on bearing fruit. I am so relieved and at peace after seeing that video as I am going through a failure right now.

Right now, I was finding a reason to bear fruit so that God would speak to me His perfect and acceptable will in my life.

Pastor, I am confused as to what should I do as of now. With so many options available I am not sure what is God desire for me.

I am praying on this since the past 12 days but have not got a clear picture yet although God has assured me of His plan for hope and peace and not of evil.

Pastor, few doubts that I am facing right now.

1) How to know His perfect will and purpose of my Life?? For eg How did you come to know that it was preaching the gospel that God called you for not being a businessman?

2) I have been taught to understand His will through the word but no one has told me how? Like, I open the bible and how do I know what God wants to do in my life if I open a passage of Leviticus regarding the law or a passage in Revelation regarding the revelation that John got at Patmos islands.

3) How does God speak? Through the word, dreams, visions, circumstances, people. All being true but how do i reaffirm it through the word??

I am thankful to God for you and your ministry pastor. They have been a blessing to me.

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

How is it possible to have faith without love

Do we have two requirements with grace? Love or faith or both? We must be believers Can we use the word faith and belief synonymously? I am trying to make sense of 1 Corinthians 13. Can we really separate love from faith? I love Him because he first loved me and have faith because of his demonstration of His love? Maybe its talking about losing our first love and still having faith from our time in the past with God? What are your thoughts? I sure hope I am expressing my questions clearly.

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions


Hello I do not know if you will get this but your messages are transforming me. Thank you. I have been on this grace walk for some time and there has been much more opening up for me this season. I was wondering if you knew of any grace preachers who were teaching line by line expository teaching? I still struggle a little with some of the scriptures that I am so used to seeing. I am studying obedience in the bible. Am I understanding correctly obedience is what Jesus has done and what we believe so therefore we are always obedient in Christ? Thanks so much! I appreciate any insight.

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