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November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Sexual immorality and grace

Hello Pastor, I want to say it is a joy to listen the Word of God, I have been truly blessed!

I have a friend who believe fornication and adulatory is different under Grace! Even though our walk is not under the law but by faith, I do not agree with his logic.

Am I correct... Thank you for helping me (us)!

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions


Hi Bertie, thanks for the Word of grace. You explained sin as human inability to preserve his life forever, kindly also explain how that definition links up with the other definitions of sin the bible; eg

Rom 14:23- whatsoever is not of faith is sin,

1 John 3:4- sin is the transgression of the law. We also see sin as a noun and as a verb, kindly clarify that-

You are a blessing!

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Soul ties

I love your teachings and have been following you for sometime. They have brought me a great amount of freedom. I just wanted to know what your take is on the issue of soul ties. I know that there is something incorrect about the way the principle has been taught in main stream Christianity.

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions


Hi Sir, God bless you ! Please does giving thanks to God make Him do anything for us? Thank you

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

The impartation of spirit

hi... what do you know about the laying of hands to impart spirit.African churches are practising this as if some kind of power will transfer and inhabit you.is this new testament practice

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What is Berties view on the trinity

What is Berties view on the trinity

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