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November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What is righteous anger

What is righteous anger? And should we have it?

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What is the law that God will write on your heart ?

Good day Bertie, I have listened to your series on the law and from this perspective I am trying to understand Hebrews 10v 16 where God says He will put His laws in our hearts and minds. What are these laws? As I find 9out of the 10 commandments still in the NT and the strongs number for laws is the same as the commandments Jesus revered to. I asked my pastor and he said it revers to the 2 commandments Jesus gave us to love God and love our neighbors cause we now have received the power to do so and that all other commandments in the new testament flows from this love.

I look forward to your response

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

What is the reconciliation of all things

Middag Pastoor Brits. Jammer ek pla. Kan u asb vir my verduidelik
: For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled Colossians 1:19-21

Ek is so opsoek na die waarheid. Baie dankie

November 22, 2016   |  Frequently Asked Questions  |  Questions

Wrath of God

Question about the Wrath of God

November 22, 2016   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2016

Are you struggling to keep your eyes on Jesus? This message is for you.

In this message Bertie Brits explains how "keeping your eyes on Jesus" is a belief, instead of mans hard effort to concentrate on Jesus to solve day to day problems. He also explains how to enter into true REST, where you rest from works and rest from the sins it brings forth. The Gospel is not powerless but powerful. His power is more than enough to bring forth the life that He has dreamed for you,

November 13, 2016   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2016

Dead to the LAW

In this message Bertie Brits explains what being dead to the law really means and how understanding the importance of Jesus being resurrected in a physical body is to understanding this. This may challenge your traditional understanding, but is the power to Eternal life.

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