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August 19, 2012   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2012

Holy Spirit from a Grace perspective

Bertie explains who easy it is to walk in the Spirit. This teaching will challenge all traditional teaching on who the Holy Spirit is. You will experience the presence of God as close as thought.

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August 12, 2012   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2012

Life after deliverance from religion

In this teaching Bertie exposes a deadly but very SUBTLE strategy of the enemy that can cause a believer in the LOVE and grace of God to fall into the law again

August 05, 2012   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2012

The escape from temptation

Understand what temptation really is and how not to fall into a destructive life pattern. This will really help you to experience the freedom Jesus came to give us.

July 29, 2012   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2012

The HARMONY of God

In this message Bertie explains the intended harmony that God restored in Jesus.

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July 10, 2012   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2012

Universal re-creation vs the new birth

Understand thew womb from where you are born. This is a great message preached by Bertie in Fort Collins USA. It will bring clarity in doctrine as pertaining to what Jesus did on behalf of all people.

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June 07, 2012   |  Sunday Service Archive  |  Sunday Service Archive 2012

What about those that never heard the Gospel and die?

In this message Bertie explains the process by which people get to Jesus. Without understanding this message we will get confused and live in condemnation concerning those that die in countries where we have not preached.

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