In this message Bertie Brits deals with the bondage a lot of GRACE believers still have in the area of finances because of the effects manipulation and abuse in the past had on them. If you get a bitter taste in the mouth when you hear word like "giving" and "church", this will really help you. This video will also help leaders to know how to minister on finances in a GRACE church to see the fruit of God manifesting in people free from control, obligation and responsibility teaching. This is a grace teaching that will empower leaders and members.
This is the first message wherein Bertie explains the difference between the new creation and being BORN AGAIN. Understanding this will help you tremendously in you understanding of scripture and your relationship with God through FAITH.
THIS IS NOT TO BE MISSED. In this teaching Bertie explains how temptation comes and how we can live free from it. This teaching will help you to understand many difficult concepts in the bible, like Lazarus and the rich man. The emotion of absolute love for the Gospel will rise in your heart as you see deeper into the dynamics of HIS WORK ON OUR BEHALF.
In this teaching Bertie explains the wisdom of God vs the wisdom of the world. This teaching is focused on helping you through hard times. It is the second session of Bertie teaching on the book of James. In This teaching James 1:5-9 is discussed.