Bertie Brits Monday-Thursday Daily WhatsApp Devotionals. (available in audio format only)
This is a 1-2 minute message Monday-Thursday, designed to encourage you in grace, yet simple enough to share with friends that still need to get into this truth.
Instructions to receive this devotional on WhatsApp as follows:
1. Install WhatsApp on your phone (Free download available from playstore or appstore)
2. Add the following number to your contacts +27769799054 (this is the DLM Cell Number)
3. Send the following message via WhatsApp to the above number.
My "name" from "town and country" want to receive Bertie's devotional.
You should start receiving the devotional the following day that it is available.
Bertie Brits Monday-Thursday Daily WhatsApp Devotionals. (available in audio format only)
This is a 1-2 minute message Monday-Thursday, designed to encourage you in grace, yet simple enough to share with friends that still need to get into this truth.
Instructions to receive this devotional on WhatsApp as follows:
1. Install WhatsApp on your phone (Free download available from playstore or appstore)
2. Add the following number to your contacts +27769799054 (this is the DLM Cell Number)
3. Send the following message via WhatsApp to the above number.
My "name" from "town and country" want to receive Bertie's devotional.
You should start receiving the devotional the following day that it is available.